Let me introduce our stylist!
Hatunk egymásra. A beszédünkkel, a testtartásunkkal, de leginkább az öltözködésünkkel. Multinacionális cégeknél töltött értékesítői múltam alatt rájöttem, hogy az élet minden területén a felkészültség mellett nagyon fontos a hitelesség. A hitelesség abból fakad, mit sugárzunk ki önmagunkról, mennyire vagyunk harmóniában magunkkal és ezt mennyire tudjuk a stílusunkkal, öltözködésünkkel kifejezni.
A nagymamámtól örökölt rajongásom a divat iránt vitt rá arra, hogy elvégezzem a Budapesti Divatiskola személyi stílustanácsadó szakát 2017-ben. Ott vált világossá számomra, hogy a bennem lévő kreatív alkotói vágy, a megszerzett tudás és a munkavilágában töltött tapasztalatom segítséget jelenthet azok számára, akik szeretnének tudatosabban öltözködni a stílusukat finomhangolni, vagy esetleg azt teljesen átalakítani.
Tanácsadáson, stílusesteken és workshop-on keresztül segítettem hölgyeknek és uraknak tudatosan felépíteni az életvitelüknek és színtípusuknak, személyiségüknek megfelelő ruhatárat.
Fontosnak tartom stylistként, hogy megismertessük a nagyközönséggel a magyar márkákat, alkotókat, tervezőket ezáltal is átterelve őket a fast fashion világából a fenntartható divat felé, mindezt személyre szabott formában. Ez a VENGRU-val is az együttműködésünk alapja.
Hitvallásom, hogy a stílus az egyéniségből fakad, ami mindenkiben ott van, csak nem feltétlen tudja, milyen eszköztárral mutassa meg. Ennek a felfedezésében vagyok a segítségére annak, aki szeretne változni, változtatni.
Somogyvári Edit
Color consulting
Editing Your VENGRU
Válassz tudatosan színtípusodnak megfelelően VENGRU terméket!
Mi az az évszakelmélet, mik a színtípusok?
Many wouldn’t even think, though seasonal theory dates back to the 1920s. Johannes Itten, during the Bauhaus associated with the name of the creative painter who ran a painting school. He was watching that his students prefer to use colors, shades, which are identical in their external qualities, in their marks of style. One of them he gave the students a task that he thought was harmonious for everyone paint a series of colors. Here, the difference became visible to the students, how differently everyone sees and paints it as harmonious perceived colors and how typically these colors reflect a particular season. This is when the term season theory was created.
Négy évszak
In the eighties, taking into account the common color characteristics of each season type, each season was divided into 3 subgroups in order to define the individual color palette even more precisely. This is how the season palettes containing the 12 subgroups developed, which have become generally accepted worldwide today.
Szeretnéd megtudni a színeidet?
Ha szeretnéd tudatosan, színtípusodnak megfelelően kiválasztani a VENGRU táskádat, akkor a következőképpen történik a folyamat:
- Színek világa
A színelemzés során bevezetlek a színek világában, majd tükör előtt ülve színkendők segítségével megnézzük, az egyes színekre hogyan reflektál, hogyan változik az arcod.
- Színkombinációk
A tanácsadás végére Te is látni fogod a különbséget az egyes színek között. Színpalettát, illetve számodra ideális színkombinációkat, fogok megosztani Veled, hogy a jövőben tudatosabban előnyödre fordítva használd a színeket az öltözködésben. (KÉPEK TOMI+BOGI színtanácsadásról.)
- Színkártya
A tanácsadás végén kapsz egy színkártyát és segédletet, amivel a későbbiekben a vásárlás is könnyebben megy.
Then we can now easily design it to suit your wardrobe and lifestyle VENGRU bag too!
BOGI és TOMI is be lett sorolva az évszakelmélet szerint, melyekről itt láthatjátok a képeket.
Bogi type Soft Summer. Its colors are like a summer afternoon after a rain, its colors are subtly pierced. In addition, the cool color scheme and for the most part the lighter shades are what they look perfect for.
Tomi Type Dark Winter. Its colors are deep and dramatic, striking, being surrounded by mystery. In addition to shining in dark colors, the combination of vibrant, cool shades perfectly accentuates your character.
Style packages
As a result of the collaboration, we want to provide a unique personalized service that allows you to increase the variability of wardrobe sticks, so that you can choose from our practical, quality products in addition to useful immediately built-in tips. Let’s find the trademarks of your style together. Come and discover our package offers!
You can put together your unique bag with the help of a stylist, with the help of an interactive 3D design program, which is made especially for you.
9 900 Ft
The package includes a joint bag design with the stylist in Vengru’s bag design program to suit your color type, style and needs.
The price of the service can be purchased in case of bag orders over 60,000 HUF.
When do we recommend it?
- If you get stuck in our planning program and feel like you need a little help
- You are insecure and under the pressure of the “confusion of abundance” effect
- You would have ordered your dream bag a long time ago, but you can’t decide which shade to choose
- You know your color type and you consciously build your gradro
- You want to check out and feel the color cards before you buy
- You want to make a purchase with the help of a specialist
* during the service you will also get help from our stylist to design additional Vengru bags (not included in the package price).
69 900 Ft
The package includes a personalized 3-hour color consultation where you get an introduction to the world of colors and learn about your color type, a personalized Vengru panel bag with a chain, or an envelope bag with a removable cover. *
When do we recommend it?
- If you don’t know your color type and want to be sure, find out which colors are the ones that get the most out of you
- You want to consciously build your wardrobe, you want it to harmonize with everything in your wardrobe
- You want a panel bag or an envelope bag, you just haven’t been able to decide which color combination would be right for you.
- If you get stuck in our planning program and feel like you need a little help
- You are insecure and under the pressure of the “confusion of abundance” effect
- You want to check out and feel the color cards before you buy
- You want to make a purchase with the help of a specialist
* during the service you will also get help from our stylist to design additional Vengru bags (not included in the package price).
94 900 Ft
The package includes a personalized 5-6 hour complete style advice and a bag design tailored to your color type. The package includes a unique Vengru panel bag with a chain or a set of envelope bags with a removable cover. *
When do we recommend it?
- If you don’t know your color type and want to be sure, find out which colors are the ones that get the most out of you
- You want to consciously build your wardrobe, you want it to harmonize with everything in your wardrobe
- If you are unsure about your figure, you want to know which dress tailors are the ones that fit well and which ones are not.
- You want a panel bag or an envelope bag, you just haven’t been able to decide which color combination would be right for you.
- If you get stuck in our planning program and feel like you need a little help
- You are insecure and under the pressure of the “confusion of abundance” effect
- You want to check out and feel the color cards before you buy
- You want to make a purchase with the help of a specialist
* during the service you will also get help from our stylist to design additional Vengru bags (not included in the package price).
199 900 Ft
The package includes a personalized 5-6 hour complete style advice and a bag design tailored to your color type. The package includes 1 Vengru variable base bag + panel bag + strap. *
When do we recommend it?
- If you don’t know your color type and want to be sure, find out which colors are the ones that get the most out of you
- You want to consciously build your wardrobe, you want it to harmonize with everything in your wardrobe
- If you are unsure about your figure, you want to know which dress tailors are the ones that fit well and which ones are not.
- With the help of a specialist, you want to make a purchase decision who will help you choose the right Vengru bag for your lifestyle, shape and personality.
- If you get stuck in our planning program and feel like you need a little help
- You are insecure and under the pressure of the “confusion of abundance” effect
- You want to check out and feel the color cards before you buy
* during the service you will also get help from our stylist to design additional Vengru bags (not included in the package price).